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Donation from Kavlifondet

Writer: Ashild AaroAshild Aaro

Hi everyone!

We got some very exciting news to share! Maybe some of you have read it on our Facebook or Instagram already – but just in time for Christmas celebrations we got the best gift we could ever wish for. We have been granted a donation from Kavlifondet, a Norwegian foundation located in Bergen. They believe in us and our project and mission to help the village children in Laos!

The donation will make it possible for us to set up a learning lab consisting of 25 learning tablets and equipment in our project house in Phonsawart Village. Learning lab is a

possibility for children to learn how to read and write without the guidance from qualified teachers. It offers a hundred of different apps made by pedagogical experts, including test applications to track the children’s performance and development. Our project house that first aimed to teach 25 children per day ended up with 250 kids joining us. Every day. So this means our amazing teacher Aay will be able to divide the group with different assignments to make the lessons more effective and fun. The donation will also guarantee that our teachers will get a whole year salary.

In January Åshild and Mari will be going down to Laos to introduce and start up the work with the tablets together with Aay in the village.

This great news means that our organization is growing bigger, and we need volunteers to come down to our project and support Aay in his everyday work. Whether it’s English or IT or any other skill that could be useful, we valuate you and your help just as much.

Read more about our project here on the website, on our Facebook or Instagram. And if you have any questions – don’t hesitate send us an email!

Another BIG thank you to Kavlifondet for your support and for believing in us.

Warm Christmas hugs from our team,

Åshild, Eirik, Mari and Malin

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