It has been about a month since our launch, and we are so grateful for the warm words and help we have received from friends, family, and people who believe in our mission in Aay's Village.
Aay is now teaching English to around 100 children in our project house, together with one of our two volunteers this month; Linda. She is an experienced teacher from Scotland, and just came from a 5 month teaching job in Bangkok. We are very lucky to have such a lovely and experienced teacher with us on our mission for a couple of weeks longer.
The other volunteer that joined us this month was the lively and energetic girl from London, dear Livi. She is a social media marketing guru, and she has been capturing the life of Aay's Village for 10 days on her South-East Asia trip. She has also been helping Linda plan and teach lessons.
One day, 250 children showed up for their daily lesson, so it is safe to say that they did a great job motivating the kids to learn and educate themselves! And it is safe to say that our project is needed and welcomed by the village, which is so great and makes our hard work all worth it.
However, we need to scale the project down a bit, and make it sustainable. 250 children is too much for us in the beginning of our project. We want this to be a quality education for the children, and we want to provide the kids with individual follow-up. Our main concern is that none of us find it in our heart to select some of the children for our project. That seems wrong. We want to help them all. I guess we will figure out how to manage the demand that we are experiencing further down the road, and hopefully, Aay will get some full-time teaching help so that we can provide education to as many children as possible.
Thank you so much, Livi and Linda, for your priceless efforts! We are so thankful, and we know the kids are so so thankful too.

Chilling in the backyard

Our wonderful village - long rice fields and steep mountains

New matching outfits from Vientiane!