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Writer: Ashild AaroAshild Aaro

Wow, we just launched our non-profit organization yesterday! That is one hell-of-a surreal feeling, I can tell you that. We have been working non-stop since June with planning our launch and especially our website. The feeling of finally showing our organization to the world is simply amazing!

However, we still have a lot of work to do when it comes to our project house in Laos and our practices for volunteer visits and such. We need to get some donations in as soon as possible, so that we can give the children better facilities and welcome our volunteers into an amazing vibe of simple but homie feeling in our project house. Therefore, our main focus now is to work on getting the word out further.

If you are reading this; please spread the word about Aay’s Village! We would love to get in touch with people who wants to contribute somehow, maybe someone who has an old but functional computer laying around, someone who wants to stop by our village in Laos, or maybe someone who wants to donate to our cause? Let us know!

Also, give us a follow on social media! Aay’s Village is our name on Facebook, @aaysvillage on Instagram and Twitter. Share, like, follow, donate – give us some loooove!

We also want some feedback on how we are doing; what do you think about our mission, our values, our website and such? We would really love to hear from you, so please contact us in social media or here: Our email is so pop us an email at any time and we will respond within 48 hours.

A big thanks to you who are reading this and following our journey. We hope we have managed to light a small spark in you, and hope to see you visiting Aay’s Village in the jungle of Laos in the near future!

Hugs from Åshild, Eirik, Mari, Aay and Malin

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